Moodle Help FAQ
—How can I manage my forum subscriptions?
What are forum subscriptions?
Forum subscriptions allow you to (via email) stay up-to-date with conversations in any given forum.
When you subscribe to a forum, you will receive a notice (via email) for each post made to that forum. This can be desirable for keeping tabs on conversations or undesirable in a particularly busy forum.
Forum subscriptions are controlled by the following:
- Your instructor may choose to make a forum’s subscription mandatory, automatic, optional, or disabled.
- You may decide whether to be subscribed or not to a forum when given the option.
You can change your personal preferences at any time.
Keep your subscription default

- Email Digest Type: No Digest. This will send an email about 15 minutes after someone posts or replies.
- Forum auto-subscribe: No. Where applicable, this will require you to check the subscribe box as you reply to a post.
- Forum Tracking: Yes. This will list the number of unread posts, so you can see where the new forum content is located.
Change your forum subscription default
- Open the User Menu from the down-arrow located at the top-right of any Moodle page
- Click the Preferences link
- Under User Account, click the Forum preferences link
Locate Forum auto-subscribe and select your preference.
NOTE: This will NOT update the settings for existing forums. If you have already subscribed to a forum, you must manually change your subscription settings from within the forum.
- Scroll to the bottom of the page
- Click the Save Changes button to save your changes.