Moodle Help FAQ
—How do I get help with assistive technology (i.e. a screen reader)?
Assistive Technology & Accessibility
Clackamas Community College is committed to making all course materials as accessible as possible to all students. Additionally, our proactive course design and development reflects our commitment to accessibility and usability for all online students.
Moodle follows established best practices to ensure that all its courses are accessible for all users, regardless of disability.
You can read the accessibility statements here:
- Moodle Accessibility Statement
- Microsoft Accessibility Statement
- Google Accessibility Statement
- Mozilla Firefox Accessibility Statement
- Zoom Accessibility Statement

Additionally, we've added YuJa Panorama with its automatic file converter. Panorama uses advanced machine learning algorithms to automatically provide you with access (when you see this symbol) to these alternative formats:
- Source file
- (Tagged) PDF
- Text file
- Immersive Reader
- Gradient Reader
- ePub
- Audio Podcast
- Enhanced HTML
- Language Translations
Check out YuJa Panorama's Website Accessibility Widget.
Assistive Technology
Assistive technology is "any item, piece of equipment, software program, or product system that is used to increase, maintain, or improve the functional capabilities of persons with disabilities." However, you don't need a documented disability to use any of the Assistive Technology Collection managed by the CCC Library listed below (see pictures and descriptions):
- Orbit Trackball Mouse with Scroll Ring
- Adess iMouse E9 Left-Handed Vertical Ergo Mouse
- Reizen Talking Calculator and Repeat Key - English
- Magnifying Glass 3X
- PROSPEK Glasses Blue Light Filtering No Magnification
- Document Holder with Adjustable Clip
- J-Tech Digital Wired Ergonomic Vertical Mouse
- Mind Reader Adjustable Lap Top Desk with cushions (tablet holder)
- Cirque Power Cat Touchpad
- DoubleCheck XL Talking Low Vision Commercial Calculator
- C-Pen Reader
- Large Print Computer Keyboard
If you need assistance with your accessibility hardware or software, contact the DRC via, or the CCC Library via