H5P Interactive Content Guidebook
Interactive Video
This content type allows you to add multiple-choice and fill-in-the-blank questions, pop-up text, and other types of interactions to your videos, such as:
- drag-and-drop questions
- single-choice question sets
- images
- links
- free-text questions
- mark-the-word activities
- tables
- interactive summaries
- drag-and-drop text
- labels
All question types can be configured to perform adaptive behavior, meaning that a correct answer can move the student to a specified place in the video while an incorrect answer can take the student somewhere else in the video. Typically, submitting a wrong answer will direct the student to the place in the video where the answer to the question is presented.
Learn how to create Interactive Video in this tutorial.
NOTE: For more H5P examples, explore the Content Bank in this course or visit H5P Examples and Downloads.