For science, engineering, and mathematics students, this is the first course in the four-term Calculus sequence. Focuses on the analysis of functions using limits and differential calculus. Emphasis on applying calculus concepts and techniques to model and solve appropriate real-world applications. 06/20/2022-08/10/2022 Remote Lecture Monday, Wednesday 09:00AM - 10:50AM, Room to be Announced
An introduction to Descriptive and Inferential Statistics explores how data summaries are produced so that we can better understand the data-based information that we encounter in our lives and careers. In this exploration, we will touch on the topics of graphical depictions and verbal descriptions of datasets, discrete and continuous probability models including binomial and normal distributions, sampling distributions, introduction to inferential statistics, and confidence intervals.

06/20/2022-08/11/2022 Online - No Weekly Meeting