H5P Interactive Content Guidebook


This content type allows you to create dictation exercises so your students can develop their listening comprehension and spelling skills.

NOTE: For more H5P examples, explore the Content Bank in this course or visit H5P Examples and Downloads.

You can add audio samples containing a sentence for dictation and enter the correct transcription. Your students can listen to the samples and enter what they have heard into a text field. Their answers will be evaluated automatically.

Several H5P options will allow you to control the exercise's difficulty. You can optionally add a second audio sample for a sentence that could hold a version spoken slowly. You can also set a limit for how often a sample can be played, define if punctuation should be relevant for scoring, and decide whether small mistakes like typing errors should be counted as no mistake, a full mistake, or just a half mistake.

Learn how to create Dictations in this tutorial.