Moodle Help FAQ

—How can I manage my forum subscriptions?

What are forum subscriptions?

Forum subscriptions allow you to (via email) stay up-to-date with conversations in any given forum. 

When you subscribe to a forum, you will receive a notice (via email) for each post made to that forum. This can be desirable for keeping tabs on conversations or undesirable in a particularly busy forum.

Forum subscriptions are controlled by the following:

  • Your instructor may choose to make a forum’s subscription mandatory, automatic, optional, or disabled.
  • You may decide whether to be subscribed or not to a forum when given the option.

You can change your personal preferences at any time.

Keep your subscription default

  • Email Digest TypeNo Digest. This will send an email about 15 minutes after someone posts or replies.
  • Forum auto-subscribe: No. Where applicable, this will require you to check the subscribe box as you reply to a post.
  • Forum Tracking: Yes. This will list the number of unread posts, so you can see where the new forum content is located. 
NOTE: We recommend that you keep the default settings since fewer emails can result in receiving important messages late and may be harder to find among all the forum posts within the last 24 hours.

      Change your forum subscription default

      1. Open the User Menu from the down-arrow located at the top-right of any Moodle page
      2. Click the Preferences link
      3. Under User Account, click the Forum preferences link
      4. Locate Forum auto-subscribe and select your preference. NOTE: This will NOT update the settings for existing forums. If you have already subscribed to a forum, you must manually change your subscription settings from within the forum.
        • Scroll to the bottom of the page
        • Click the Save Changes button to save your changes.